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Capture d’écran de 2023-11-22 08-31-32.png


- Reliability of your quality process -


Controlled aspect control

Binary check performed in less than 3 seconds:

+ Measured and repeatable control

+ Simple parameterization

+ Consideration of treatment and surface condition

QColor: Articles

Two modes of control

Delta E.JPG

A reference sample

Measurement of Delta E deviation from target


Two reference samples
Mini - Maxi

Tolerance interval defined between two samples
(Mini acceptable and Maxi acceptable)

QColor: Articles



+ Measured control, it is no longer subjective

+ Possibility to control several color areas in a single shot

+ Simple and intuitive setting by the QColor software

+ Possibility to connect QColor to your GPAO/Quality software

Reliability of control


+ The user no longer has any influence on the control

+ The result is binary

+ Control of the product as a whole

+Unlimited number of controlled areas

+ Locking of the drawer in case of defective product, requiring the operator’s approval

QColor: Articles
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