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Barilab: Bienvenue


This device makes it possible to perform any type of rotating cycle with the possibility of measuring the value of the applied torque.

A special software interface to perform all measurements and aging tests dedicated to barrels.

Barilab: Bienvenue

The motorised upper part is placed on a manual vertical slide allowing the drive tool (eccentricity compensation system) to be engaged on the barrel shaft.

A stop (adjustable) limits the travel of the drive head.

Barilab: Bienvenue
Gros plan Barilab V2.0.jpg




The lower part with sensor system is designed to receive your own settings for the different barrels. We offer as an option our universal tools adapted to all types of barrels.

Barilab: Bienvenue

The dedicated software allows you to create different cycles in a completely modular and intuitive way. Programming is done via a PC without software installation, the use can then be done via the touch screen.

Capture barilab 4.PNG
Barilab: Bienvenue


Calculation of barrel-specific information (Mgi, Mgs, Mgmax, Max torque before flange slip, number of revolutions Max before flange slip, M0. 25. . . )

Real-time visualization of the evolution of Mgi, Mgs, Mgmax

Possibility to export the values in. txt format to excel
Use of measured values as ageing cycle variables:

Barilab: Bienvenue


1. Armage + slide on flange
2. Total disarmament
3. Armage up to max torque before sliding on flange
Partial disassembly of X barrel rounds (8 hours of disassembly = the user puts his watch down before going to bed)
5. Armage up to max torque before sliding on flange (user resets watch)
6. etc.

Device available in 5 positions

Barilab: Articles



- Clockwise and counterclockwise

- Rotation speed with a range between 0. 1 and 60 revolutions per minute

- Can be controlled in number of turns

- Controlable in torque value to be reached

- Repetition of subprograms in a main program

- Timing: pause or hold in position at a given angle, number of turns or torque


- 20 mNm torque transducer (2000 g. mm):

0. 1% of the maximum sensor value < 0. 02mNm (2g. mm)
- Angular accuracy: ±0. 05°
- Rotational speed: ±0. 04%

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